Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Buttery Homemade Biscuits

What's up foodies? Y'all doing good? You good? You good? I'm good! You good? Okay, good.

There's nothing like a good, flaky biscuits to go along with you morning breakfast! I loooove a good biscuit, and these biscuits are everything you need in a biscuit. I have been making these biscuits for quite some time now, and they are my favorite. It took me a while to perfect this recipe, but after some time, I finally got it right.

The secret is using Self-Rising flour. Before making these biscuits, I always used All-Purpose flour, but it wasn't until my mom suggested that I use Self-Rising flour that I finally decided to try it. My mom told me that self rising flour is better for biscuits because that's what she uses in her biscuits (which I may share the recipe for one day). If you can, I strongly recommend that you use White Lily self rising flour. White Lily is THE flour for making biscuits. I got go all into the science of why the White Lily brand is the best for making biscuits, but I'm here to share a recipe, not give a science lesson! But trust me, White Lily works. I understand that everyone isn't able to get White Lily, and if you can't, just use another high-quality flour.

Another secret to these biscuits is I like to use half and half instead of just regular milk. I find that the mix of cream and milk gives me a better taste and texture, but you most definitely can use regular whole milk, but watch the amount you use because half and half is a little thicker than regular milk.

Now, I know that I already have self rising flour in the biscuits, and it already has salt and baking powder in it, but I also like to add a little baking powder just to add little more 'rise' in the biscuits and a little salt for flavor.

- Make sure that the butter is really cold, I put mine in the freezer for about 25 minutes to make sure it's really cold.
- I put my butter in the food processor with a few tablespoons of flour to make sure nothing stuck, and pulsed it a few times until the butter was cut into small pieces, and then added the butter in with the flour. You can also just make these biscuits it your food processor if you have one that big enough. 
- If you want to make layers in your biscuits, fold the dough over on itself a few times before cutting them (refer to the YouTube video below).

- 2 1/2 cups self rising flour (White Lily recommended)
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1 tbsp. sugar
- 1 stick ( 8 tablespoons) butter, very cold
- 1 cup half and half

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

In a mixing bowl. sift together the flour, salt, baking powder, and sugar. Cut the cold butter into the flour with a pastry blender, fork, or two knives until its in small pieces. Next, make a well in the middle of the butter and flour mixture and pour in the half and half. Mix the half and half into the flour mixture until it forms a dough. Flour your counter top, and then turn the dough onto the floured surface. Knead the dough a few times to incorporate some of the flour, and then flatten it out with your hands or a rolling pin, and then cut the biscuits out with your floured biscuit butter. Place the biscuits into the pan of your choice, spread the tops with melted butter, and make for about 12-15 minutes in the preheated oven.

I really hope you enjoy this recipe, remember to visit my YouTube channel for the video recipe. If you make this, please let me know how you liked it. Thanks again, and I'll see you next time.

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